
Tuesday, 31 July 2018


**Important Note**


This is a fantasy transformation post
The majority of the images/storyline here should be considered:
All images on this page to my knowledge are of people over 18. 
If you own the rights to an image and wish for it to be removed, please let me know and I will remove the image.

Naughty Boyfriend

Dan and Kirsty were both 17 years old. Dan was a bit cheeky, a bit of a joker, cute guy,
6ft 1 and 12 stone, thin but with reasonable muscle development and dark spiky hair.

Kirsty was 5ft 5inches, 5ft 8 in heels, as she told everyone, with long light blond hair.

They had known each other since the first year of high-school at 11.
Although Kirsty loved Dan dearly, she did feel his friends and partying, not to mention all the sports he played, 
did mean they were drifting apart.

Kirsty told her girlfriends (Celeste, Monique, Sophie and Joanne) about the problem.
Joanne, who was the odd one out in the group, the nerdy tag-along friend, a short and dumpy Goth, with glasses,
like a Goth Velma from Scooby Doo.
With a hawk-like nose, thick-rimmed glasses and acne across her forehead, all she wanted was a wart 
on the end of her nose to look like a witch.
It would be appropriate, as she was a white witch. The girls knew this, but didn't mind.
In fact, Joanne could get the girls into nightclubs, even though they were underage, by using her powers to make their I.D's appear to show them as being older than they were.

Joanne told Kirsty she could make it so she could see what it was like in Dan's shoes, and make sure Dan sees what it is like being Kirsty, when she's waiting for him and he doesn't show up. Kirsty agreed to Joanne's plan, 
without knowing what was going to happen. 
 "How will I know the spell is working?"
Joanne "Oh, You'll know".

Kirsty thought no more of it until three weeks later when Dan had been avoiding her for few days.
She heard from people who had seen him out clubbing with the guys.
"Why won't he spend time with me? Am I that bad?"
She though to herself. She began to cry.
 She had waited in for Dan to come round but he didn't show.
"7.30. He was supposed to pick me up. Not 9.20"
She called his cell phone but it was switched off.
"I bet he's cheating on me. I bet it's Megan, that bitch!"
Her Mum, Abigail, walked into the room when she heard Kirsty crying.
"Oh Sweetheart, don't upset yourself over him. He's not worth it". 
"You've never liked him".
Abigail "No I haven't, because I know how he treats you, and I hate to say it but I've been proved right".

Kirsty "Yeah, you're right. She said, sniffling. 'I'm gonna go to his and wait and see what he has to say".

Abigail "Good luck. I hope you get it sorted, whatever the outcome. 
If you want to stay with him, I'll support you but if you want to get rid of him, that's fine too, I'll support you".

Kirsty "Thanks Mum. You always know what to say. I love you".

Kirsty left, heading for Dan's.
She was still dressed up for a night out.
She was wearing black high-heeled shoes. pantie hose, a black dress, earrings and clutch bag.

Dan's parents were away, so she let herself in with the spare key from under the third plant pot from the floor.
She sat in the dark, waiting for him, furious.
She fell asleep on his bed, asleep but still sitting upright, propped up against the wall.
She heard the key turn in the front door, and woke up, ready to pounce. The light was switched on and Dan came in.
He had been drinking, she could tell, but wasn't completely drunk.
The look of surprise on his face said everything.
Dan went as white as a sheet.
Kirsty stood up, angrily, waving her arms around.
"You PIG! This is how you treat me after six years, SIX YEARS!"
"I waited in for you. Everybody said "He's not worth it".
"Well, they were right!".
Dan "What ?! Don't listen to them. You know what we have'.
Kirsty "Nothing!".
Dan "What do you mean?".
Kirsty "I've had enough. I don't want to be with you anymore".
I can't handle the lies and the disappointment".  

Dan was still not really listening nor caring at what Kirsty was saying.
Kirsty  "Oh if you were me you'd know what I mean but if you want to be a party boy, that's fine with me!"
Dan: "If I were you I'd be grateful to have someone like me"
Kirsty "You BASTARD!  I'd never be as self-satisfied as you"
Dan: "I'd never want to be as clingy as you"

Suddenly, there was an almighty flash of lightning and thunderclap like the pair had never heard before.
Even though tat the point they were hardly the best of of friends, they tightly grabbed and hugged each other,
thinking it was the end of the world. 
They looked into each other's eyes.
Dan looked down at Kirsty "I'm sorry. I've hurt you".
Kirsty 'I'm sorry too".

To them, the room around them seemed to blur. They let go of each other
Kirsty screamed "What's happening. Dan you're shrinking!"
"No you're growing". Both were now 5ft 8.

Kirsty's dress had ridden up her legs and was now above her knee and revealing her thighs, which were changing shape.
"Dan, help me, please!"
As Kirsty screamed, her feet grew, bursting through the stitching on her shoes, separating the top from the sole.
Larger toes with little hairs on popped out of the end of the shoes. 
Kirsty's calves got more tanned and toned as her legs grew longer.
Black hairs began to grow out of her calves and thighs, which were themselves getting more tanned ,toned. and muscular.
Both Kirsty and Dan were looking down stunned at the changes taking place.

Dan started to panic as he got even shorter, 5ft5, to be precise.
Kirsty's old height.
"What the fuck is going on?"
Dan shouted, as his feet  shrunk inside his training shoes. His legs got shorter and his black jeans pooled round his feet. 
They started to slide down but were caught by his expanding hips. 
"What'd did you do?" He shouted at Kirsty.
"Me? Why do you think I would want to do this?" Kirsty scowled, 
hurt that Dan could think she would have anything to do with the strange events taking place, although in fact her telling Joanne how Dan treated her was actually the reason.
Dan looked at Kirsty with a worried expression.

His shorter legs, although still having their athletic thighs, suddenly became more rounded and smooth.
Dan pulled his jeans legs up to look at his calves, which were changing shape and becoming hairless and smooth. 
Dan's voice quivered as he asked "What's happening to.." 
but he did not finish the sentence as a wave of nausea came over him.
He could feel a tugging feeling behind and looked round to see his bubble butt expanding, causing great pain, as his skinny jeans had already been pulled tight round his expanded thighs, and his boxer shorts were stretched out by wider hips, almost cutting off circulation  to his legs. 
"Oh my God Dan, you're turning into me". Kirsty cried out.
"Oh this is fucking stupid".
As he said those, he felt a shrinking in  the front of his boxers, as his penis and testicles shrunk and inverted into a vagina. 
"Oh my God, my dick. What's happened to my dick?!"
He started to pat the now flat front of his jeans, frightened by it but at the same time relieving some of the pressure 
from his groin  from the ever tightening jeans.
Dan yelped in pain  as his waist narrowed, caving in at the sides, giving more of an hour-glass figure, 
but looking ridiculous with his broad shoulders.
His abs rippled and bloated out, giving him a little bit of fat on his belly. 
His nipples began to tingle, push outwards as fat began to build up behind them. 
They began to swell and push out, forming a respectable pair of breasts, popping open the top buttons of his shirt. 
Kirsty screamed "Dan, you're turning into me".
Dan replied "I know!" in a way that said 'you're stating the obvious'.
Kirsty's legs grew longer and the muscles were getting tighter, more masculine,obviously somebody sporty. 
Obviously Dan's legs.
Kirsty's hips narrowed and waist came out. The pubic area changed shape, giving Kirsty the classic V-line of an athlete.
Her bra stretched out over her expanded torso.
The hook at the back gave way, relieving some of the pain. 
Kirsty's shoulders broadened and her neck changed shape.

Dan gulped in panic, suddenly feeling his Adam's apple disappear. 
His neck narrowed but grew longer.
The changes spread to his face. Cheekbones lifted. His square jaw became softer. Eyebrows thinned. Eyes changed colour. Nose thinned. He screamed as his lips, teeth and tongue changed shape, his voice rising in pitch at the same time. His hairline moved further up his head and it began to change colour., getting slightly longer.
The hair grew longer and longer,, until it reached Dan's shoulder's.
Kirsty looked at her boyfriend, who now looked like her, dressed in his clothes.

Kirsty noticed Dan seemed as if he was in a hypnotic trance.
"Dan, are you ok?"
Kirsty asked, worried.
"I'm Kirsty. What are you talking about?"  Dan answered.
Kirsty looked at him(her).
"No Dan, I'm Kirsty. You've turned into me. Don't you remember?"
Dan answered "Don't be silly Dan. I think the partying's getting to you"
Kirsty "What are talking about?"
Then the final changes in Kirsty kicked in. Her soft features hardened.
He jaw became more prominent. Her teeth changed shape. Lips changed. The nose grew wider. Her blue eyes darkened to brown and changed shape. Her thin eyebrows grew bushier.
The forehead changed shape and the hairline moved forward.
Kirsty screamed and grabbed her hair as it shrunk up into her head and got darker and gelled spiky. 
Her voice lowered as she screamed. She too came to be in a trance-like state.
'Kirsty, I'm sorry. I think I've had a few too many"

The transformations were complete. Both now looked, sounded and thought like the other. 
Kirsty now looked and thought she was Dan. 
Dan the same-thinking and looking like Kirsty, although they were now wearing the wrong clothes.

Dan, now Kirsty, looked over and saw, Dan, wearing her dress, although it was actually a changed Kirsty.
Dan or Kirsty, as we will now now him for most of the story, looked over at Kirsty now Dan. 
Kirsty (Dan): "Where have you been? You were supposed to pick me up two hours ago! Why are you wearing my dress? No wonder I couldn't find it to wear tonight".
Looking down at the now ruined shoes Dan (Kirsty) was wearing.
"You've ruined my shoes. What were you thinking? What were you doing anyway?"

Both were oblivious to the transformations that had just occured to them. 
"Well, I'm waiting for an answer".

Dan (Kirsty) "I could say the same about you. Why are you wearing my clothes?"

This made Kirsty (Dan) stop and think.
Something in the back of her (his) mind told her something was wrong but couldn't remember what had happened.
"I..." She struggled. Her memory seemed strangely hazy.
" soaked in the storm......I had to change"
She was confused. It seemed to make sense but it didn't feel like it was right.

Dan (Kirsty): "I went out with the guys. We went in dress-up"
He answered, confused, like his mouth had said the words but he didn't believe them. 
He took out his phone, actually Kirsty's.
"Why do you have my phone?"
The transformed Dan-to-Kirsty asked.
"It must have been in the clutchbag". Dan (Kirsty) answered.
Kirsty (Dan) "What were you thinking".
"I don't know" said Dan (Kirsty),  confused.
As he looked at the phone his finger touched the button that opened the photo gallery.

The first picture was of Craig, Steve and Anthony from Dan's soccer team at some party, drinking, but standing there in bra and panties with cans of beer in hand.
Dan looked at it as and said "See". He showed it to Kirsty (Dan).
The next one was some more of the football team dressed as women, with bad wigs. 

In this one, Dave had his cock hanging out, whilst dressed as a woman, in a bad wig. 
"Boys will be Boys" Dan (Kirsty) sniggered at it. 
 Kirsty (Dan) on the other hand shot him a glaring look. 
"This isn't funny, it's puerile. When are you going to grow up?!"
Dan (Kirsty) tried stiffling the laughter.
Kirsty "I'm mad at you"
She crossed over and put her arms round his waist. 
"I'm angry that you stood me up. But did you have a good time?"
Dan (Kirsty) replied "It was sweet".
As he hugged her he felt something was wrong, like what had happened with the lads wasn't real. 
Which of course it wasn't. It was part of the spell Joanne had created.

Dan (Kirsty) held Kirsty to his chest. He looked over her shoulder and out the window at the terrific thunderstorm. 
"Would you like to stay the night? It looks bad out there"
Kirsty (Dan) turned to look over her shoulder.
"Yeah, it seems to be getting worse. I'll phone Mum, tell her I'm staying over".
She turned back to Dan and looked up into his eyes.
"You know you look kinda hot in my stuff. Fancy keeping it on a little longer?".
She kissed him on the lips slowly, then it more passionate.
They started undressing each other.

Kirsty (Dan) pulled the dress off Dan (Kirsty), revealing his/her dick erect and threatening to burst out of Kirsty's panties. 

Kirsty (Dan) pulled her/his t-shirt off and revealed unsupported C-Cup breasts.

Kirsty looked at Dan (Kirsty) wearing her bra and got strangely turned on by it. 
She grabbed him and pulled him onto the bed,  he falling on top of her.
They crashed heads. "Ow" they both said in time, laughing.
Kirsty started kissing Dan (Kirsty) and squeezing his butt cheeks in the panties. 
Almost smothering with kisses, he tried
to speak "Aren't you gonna call your Mum?"
"Later" Kirsty giggled.

They started exploring each other bodies with a new-found eagerness and love for each other. The  spell was working it's magic. They would spend the night together.
Tomorrow would be a new day and a new surprises for them.


Monday, 23 July 2018


Vengeful Girlfriend Part 5:

'A Change of Underwear'

Ken was in his cell. His cellmate, Camp Kevin, a large bear of a man,  had gone to the refectory for lunch.
Ken had already his and gone back to the cell.

He was going to be in jail until an age where other people were retiring.
Even if parole came, he would still be old by that time. 

Lauren had ruined his life.

He had never been a violent man but he would be happy to see Lauren die, the more painful and insufferable the better.
Ken was so lost in his thoughts that he failed to notice the guard who had entered the cell.
'Johnson! There's a parcel for you' 
The guard handed him a small parcel wrapped up in brown paper.
Puzzled, he took it from the guard. He waited for the guard to go before he cautiously started to undo the paper.

Meanwhile Lauren, or 'Courtney', as her new life knew her as, had a knock at the door. Through the window in the door she could see a courier. 
She opened the door.
'Morning Mam, I have a parcel for Courtney Harrison'.
'That's Me'. Signing the delivery note, she took the parcel.
'I haven't ordered anything' She said to herself, puzzled.

As she undid the box, a note fell out:
'Welcome to 'Lisa's Luxury', a new underwear company specializing in making pretty, comfortable, sexy underwear for today's women'.
'We have sent you a sample of our latest range, free of charge, and all we ask in return is you fill in the survey form included and return it in the pre-paid envelope provided'.

As she removed the package out of the box she realized it contains a bra and panties. Quite pretty, but functional. The panties were quite thin, almost transparent, on the sides but with a thicker piece over the pussy area. 

Lauren was impressed. 'Yeah' She thought 'I'm gonna wear them. Why not?'
She had already dressed in skinny jeans, that were skin-tight round her thighs and cute-little heart-shaped butt.
She, was also wearing a white low-cut blouse which was displaying her rack, which was proportionally slightly over sized for her petite frame, She also worn a fawn coloured button-up sweater. 
She undressed and put the new underwear on. 
It was the best fitting underwear she had ever had.
It was as if was made to measure.
It felt...strangely right.
Lauren got redressed, grabbed her keys and left the house in the gated community in her car, heading for retail therapy at the stores.

Meanwhile in Sacramento County Jail,
Ken was opening the package he'd received.  Inside was a note. Ken looked at it, puzzled, and took the note from the package.

All it said was. 'Hope they are the right size and they bring you some comfort in your current position'.

Even more confused he looked in the packet to see if there was anything else. He tipped the packet upside down and shook it. There was a sliding sound. A pair of boxer shorts, neatly folded in half, fell out onto the cell floor.
Ken picked them up and unfolded them.
They were tight-fitting Calvin Klein Blue Boxers.
They looked good, although that didn't really matter to Ken at present, unless he was going to become some guys 'Bitch' whilst in jail.

He removed his prison uniform and his own boxers and pulled on the new pair, which were quite a tight fit. He pulled them up his long, athletic legs, struggling to tuck his giganto cock into them. They really were tight-fitting, really showing off the contours of his fine tight muscular butt.

Just as he got them on and was putting his prisoner's uniform back on, his cell mate, Kevin, walked in and gave him a teasing wolf-whistle.

'Oooh, Someones got an admirer'.
He said in a camp tone.

'I'm not sure who sent them'. He handed Kevin the card that came with them.
'Seems like you've got a stalker', Kevin replied.

Ken had got the prison uniform on, up to his waist, then used the sleeves to tie it off, his glorious torso with it's rock hard abs and pronounced pecs on show, not to mention the rippling back muscles.
His fellow cellmate, Kevin, was a big gay bear of a man, with a cross earring in one ear and a beard. Camper than Christmas.
He was a jolly big round guy, and he thought he had gone to heaven when this 'angel of chocolate' had become his cellmate.
He had immediately struck up a friendship with Ken and was devoted to him 'his cupcake', even though he knew he was straight. Kevin had been jailed for attacking a man who had stabbed his boyfriend outside a gay bar.

As Kevin handed the note back to Ken he saw that his friend had begun sweating heavily and was clutching his sides in pain.


At the same time, in Santa Rosa, Lauren was walking down the street with bags and bags of expensive shopping.
For some reason, she felt something was wrong. Suddenly, without warning, a tremendous wave of pain shot through her body, causing her hands to spasm, meaning she dropped the shopping bags on the sidewalk.
Other shoppers turned to look.
One man went over to see if he could be of some help.
Lauren doubled over in pain. 
As the got to her, she started to straighten up and he caught a glimpse of her face and retreated, horrified.
Agonizing pain traveling through her body.

Why the man backed away was because her nose was widening and retracting, the skin on her forehead was rippling, lips bloating and retracting and hairs pushing and pulling out of her chin.
Her skin although slightly tanned was getting darker, then lighter, like a throbbing light underneath her skin.
'What's happening to meeeee' She called out.
People backed away and ran.

Lauren grabbed the shopping and stumbled over the street, not even checking for traffic, nearly getting hit by two cars.
She got to the other side and reached her open-top car, 
throwing the shopping bags in the back, spilling the contents over the backseat.
She looked at the mess. 'What was happening to her?', she thought.
What had possessed her to buy men's clothes, she thought.
She had bought men's jeans, underwear, T-Shirt and sneakers. She didn't have anyone to buy these for.

As she dug into a pocket of her jeans for the car key, her hand bloated into a man's size hand then retracted, making it awkward to to get the keys out. Lauren was looking at this, terrified.
She pulled the keys out, jumped in the car and sped home.
As she drove, her feet kept rippling, causing her driving to be spasmodic.

She reached the gated community. 
The guard who Jack had met before when identifying Lauren, was on duty.
He had taken a shine to the hot young lady.
'Hi Miss Harrison. Didn't expect to see you back this early'.
He had noticed how sweaty and ill she looked.
'Ah, are you OK. Miss? You don't look too good'.

'Please just open the gate, Joel', Lauren shouted, not bothered with pleasantries at this awkward moment.
He pressed the button. The gates were not fully open before Lauren had hit the pedal and flew through, tires smoking. 


She screeched a halt on her drive. Some neighbours looked out their windows to see what the noise was and saw the car pull up sharply.
Lauren threw open the car door and struggled to the front door, leaving the shopping strewn over the back seat. She was clutching her purse, barely able to hold it. She unlocked the front door and toppled inside, slamming it behind her.
Crossing the room to the table where she had left the card that came with the free underwear, she picked it up and turned it over. There was a helpline number. 

She dialed the number, struggling to hold the phone, as her hands were rippling all the time.
A voice at the other end said: 'Hello, how can I help you?'.

LAUREN: 'This is Lau...Courtney Harrison. You sent a free sample of your underwear and I think I'm having an allergic reaction'.
UNKNOWN VOICE: 'Hello Lauren'
LAUREN: 'How did you know my name? I said my name was Courtney'.

UNKNOWN VOICE: 'It won't be for much longer... KEN!'

LAUREN: 'What do you mean? Who are you?'.

UNKNOWN VOICE: 'Don't you remember? I'm Jack'.

Immediately Lauren had realized who was talking to.

LAUREN: 'What have you done to me? Why are you doing this?'

JACK: 'Isn't it obvious. Revenge! And seeing Justice is served'. 

'You like having a new identity. Well you'll soon have another'.
'You like controlling men. Well you'll be able to control this one, without hurting anyone anymore'
'You're going to spend the next forty years in jail and young Ken's going to be free'.
LAUREN: 'You can't prove anything!'

JACK: 'I don't have to. Have a nice time in jail. Goodbye Lauren. Hello Ken'.

LAUREN: 'What?!'

Playfully Jack said:

JACK: 'Come on Lauren. Make way for Ken'.

As he said those words, it seemed to act like an incentive to Lauren's body. She screamed in excruciating pain, losing her grip on the phone. Dropping it to the floor.

At the same time Ken had started to whimper in pain.
He had looked down and gasped as he saw that he had started getting closer to the floor. He was shrinking! 

His feet rippled and shrunk down. 
He could have easily step out of his shoes then.
Kevin looked on in fright.

Ken was panicking as his legs got shorter and his muscular thighs were losing the masculinity, their definition, and getting thinner and smooth but flabby. 

He had a terrible ache in his groin and began feeling his 'monster' through his prison uniform.
His enormous rod shrunk, then sped up and shot up into his body, creating a vagina.
He was terrified. 

He reached out to Kevin who was cowering on the bottom bunk bed.  
'Kev, help me..pleeeaassse'.

Ken's voice shot up two octaves, sounding womanly.

As he appealed for help he had bent over in pain. His hips widened but at the same time his waist went in, creating curvy sides.
His perfect ass, tight and muscular, loosened and became heart-shaped, stretching out the new boxer shorts.
Pain down his backbone had pushed his shoulders back and chest out. 

His bulging biceps had shrunk down and his arms shortened. 
His hands shrunk down also.
Ken saw his nails grow long, manicured and painted with blue nail varnish.

He let out a long scream, which was in a terrified woman's voice.
His shoulders narrowed to a petite woman's proportions, this caused the rippling back muscles to lose all definition.
The skin all over his body got paler all the time.
One last scream and his abs flattened completely.

His pecs, which looked ready to burst, shot out, turning into rather large breasts on such a small frame.
Ken looked at Kevin, who stared, terrified.
Ken buzz cut hair had shot out of his scalp at breakneck speed, 

growing long, and turning blond, finishing half way down his back.
His broad neck had narrowed. His brown eyes had lightened, became blue and changed shape.
His lips had gotten pouty and his mouth had changed shape. His lips had suddenly started getting bluer, as if make-up was appearing out of thin ear.
His African-American features like his nose and cheekbones also changed shape and position, becoming smaller and feminine.
His jaw got softened. His teeth and tongue changed.
With a final shock-wave this transformation was complete.

Ken is standing there, in his cell, now looking like a woman-Lauren.
Now the transformation had finished, Kevin  slowly moved towards the new Ken.
'Ken.....are you OK?' Kevin asked nervously.
'What's happening to me', Ken asked, terrified.
'I think you should see for yourself'. Kevin held the cell door, which is metallic and reflective, in  a position that worked as a mirror. Ken looked and screamed. He looked exactly like Lauren.
'Why the fuck do I look like Lauren'.

 At same time as Ken turned into Lauren, the real Lauren had problems of her own in her house in Santa Rosa.
She had just spoken to Jack and dropped the phone. 

When she bent to pick it up she's saw her feet changing shape in her shoes.
They were heeled shoes but not as high a stiletto. 

Her feet bulged, became wider and much longer. The toes burst through the end, ripping them to pieces. The change in size caused the heels to snap off, causing Lauren to stumble forward.
Her calves started bulging and her legs had grown longer. She had grown almost 10 inches in height, which had caused her jeans to ride up to her knees, revealing the muscular calves. Her skin had started to get tanned too.
Her hips narrowed as her thighs had got bigger, more muscular and toned.
Her waist widened and her saggy heart-shaped ass lifted slightly and tightened into a fine, defined bubble butt.

The jeans had strained at the seams, finally ripping up the sides and over the butt.
Lauren looked down, horrified why she got a man's lower body, well, apart from one thing. 
Her vagina tingled, like it had cramp.
Her pussy lips joined together and started shooting out into a phallus shape, finally forming into a penis.      
The expansion caused the remains of the tight jeans to burst open over the groin and the waist button to pop off. The button had fallen to the floor, which had revealed a decent 7inch bulge now in Lauren's new underwear.
The changes had spread to her torso too, which had also grown longer, causing her white button-up blouse to ride up, revealing her stomach, which had gained definition and was forming abs like matchbooks, rock hard.

Her shoulders shot out, as did her waist. The whole torso had enlarged, causing the blouse to rip up the side and shoulders. Her back had become a mass off rippling muscle, ripping the blouse up the back. The front was no different.
Her breasts had shrunk but widened into very developed impressive pecs.
The change had caused the blouse to burst open down the front, ripping it to shreds, sending buttons scattering and revealing a muscular man's chest wearing the bra. Lauren's upper arms bulged, turning into muscular biceps, ripping the blouse sleeves open. The blouse fell to the floor, leaving just the bra, now tightly pulled over the muscular chest. 

Lauren's neck had grown wider and muscular.
Her chin changed, became more rugged, with dark hairs coming out, forming a small beard. 
The lips changed, losing their blue gloss. 
The shape of the mouth changed as did the teeth and tongue. 
'What's haaapppeennnning.....?'. Her voice dropped two octaves.
Her small nose widened in the nostrils and bridge. Eyes changed shape and colour, turning from blue to brown. 

The face changed shape.
Cheekbones changed position.
Her skin darkened further and turned black.
With a final scream her long, luscious blond hair rode up and shrunk 

back into her head, forming a buzz cut which turned black.
Lauren was now the spitting image of Ken.
Not only that but she has his mind transferred here too. He is FREE!

Lauren who was now completely a free Ken, opened his eyes.

He looked round at his surroundings.
'Where am I?' he said, dazed and confused.
He could hear a quiet voice talking but couldn't work out where the disembodied voice was coming from. 
He'd looked down at himself, shocked to see that he was wearing the remains of Lauren's clothes. 

Spotting the phone lying near his feet where Lauren dropped it earlier, he picked it up.

As he bent to pick it up the strain was too much for the ripped jeans which finally fell off and dropped to the floor, revealing the cock tightly packed into the small panties Lauren had put on. 

Ken picked up the phone and placed it to his ear.

KEN: 'Hello, who's that? Where am I? What's happened?'   

JACK: 'Hello Ken. You've arrived then?'

KEN: 'What do you mean. Where am I?'
JACK: 'Well I said I would get Lauren punished and you you're freedom, in some form or another, well that's what happened'

KEN: 'Jack?'

JACK: 'That's me'
'To put it simply, Lauren's body turned into yours and your mind transferred into it. So you've got your mind and body, but Lauren's not so lucky'.

She transferred but at the moment your old body looks like hers, but it will soon change back into looking like yours but with her mind. Justice will be dealt and she can serve time but in your old body. She will serve your sentence FOR YOU, AS YOU'.
'She will have her mind, but your body. She won't be able convince anyone otherwise'.


Back in the jail in Sacramento, the Ken here who looked like Lauren was having an attitude change. Lauren's mind was transferring into this form. 
Lauren's mind was now back with her body (Ken's old body transformed).
She turned to Kevin and was shocked to find she was topless, just with the lower half of a prison uniform, which was tied up round her waist.

LAUREN: 'Who are you? What the fuck am I doing here? Where is this?'  
KEVIN: 'You're in jail. Don't you remember what happened?'

Lauren grabbed Kevin by the lapels of his uniform and pulled him close.  

LAUREN: 'Now look here. I don't know what trick you're playing but I...'

She stopped mid-sentence. The moving about had caused the prison uniform to work loose and drop to the floor, revealing Lauren's butt stretching out Ken's boxers and the lack of a bulge in the front.

Like a piece of elastic at full stretch snapping back to it's original shape, the final change kicked in. Lauren had to undergo this one last transformation  before her punishment began.

Lauren's body, which was shorter than Kevin's shot up and was now 5 inches taller than him and broadening.
The small feet of Lauren, with their painted nails, cleaned themselves of the nail polish, and grew longer and wider, with little hairs growing on the toes.

The calves, which were small and elegant, gained muscle and hair grew out. Lauren's legs were getting longer. The small womanly thighs became muscular, hardened pillars of meat.

Lauren still had Kevin gripped by the lapels but the pair had stopped struggling and  both were looking down.
Lauren's groin changed shape. Her hips narrowed and a V-line formed. Her ass turned, once again, into a tight man's butt with cakes as tough as granite.  
The once stretched boxers now fitted perfectly, except the front.
Lauren was struck with pain as her vagina turned into a penis, which also grew balls which blew up to the size of small oranges and dropped down.
The penis grew out and down, constricted by the boxers.
It grew thicker and longer and longer, straining the boxers as it started to slide out the leg hole and down the thigh before finishing at 15 inches.
Lauren looked up and tightened the grip on Kevin's lapels.

LAUREN: 'Who are you?!! What have you done to me?!!'

All the time her voice was sounding more and more like Ken's.

KEVIN: 'I didn't do anything Ken'.

LAUREN: 'I'm not Ken!! My name is Lauren, you understand, Lauren!!'
Her psycho-bitch temper got the better of her and she started banging Kevin's head back onto the frame of the bunk-bed.
Not realizing she was getting Ken's strength as well as beginning to look like him, the assault on Kevin was harder than she thought she was being.

LAUREN: 'I'm not Ken!! DON'T-CALL-ME-KEN!!!'

The waist widened whilst the hips narrowed and the small hands that held Kevin ballooned into giant, tough man's hands.
The wrists widened, the expansion moving up the whole arm to the top, which were bloating into well-defined biceps.

LAUREN:  'Why are you calling me Ken? I'M NOT KEN!!'

Lauren was manic at this point and threw the sizable Kevin into the wall. He dropped to the floor in a bloody heap.
Lauren was now, for the bottom half at least, an identical copy of Ken, but the top half, other than the arms, was still her body.
She screamed in pain as her shoulders rippled, widening to Ken's size, sending changes down the back.
Her skin became more tanned, Mediterranean, then caramel, then darker.
Her nipples shrunk and moved inward, then her breasts shrunk into meaty hardened pecs. Abs like slabs appeared. Her thin little neck broadened and her head started changing shape.

Her chin became more pronounced. Her mouth changed shape, as did her lips which lost their gloss.
The tongue got bigger and her teeth changed.
The cheekbones rose up and nostrils widened.
The eyes changed shape and darkened into a deep almond. Lauren's image disappeared to be replaced by Ken's as her long blond hair shrunk back into the scalp, changing colour to black as it became stubble buzz cut.

Her scream changed, became deeper as her voice changed into Ken's.
Lauren's mind was still hers but the body had reverted to Ken's form.
She was going to serve his sentence for him.

She saw the card on the floor which had come with the parcel and picked it up. She read the piece which Ken read earlier and turned it over.
On the other side it read:

'Happy next 40 years as Ken, Lauren. Maybe you will learn your lesson.
                                          'JUSTICE IS SERVED'
She screamed:
'NOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooo.....I'm not KEN!!!'

Guards, hearing the commotion,rushed in and saw a crazed Ken, just in his boxers screaming 'I'm not Ken'
and a badly beaten Kevin on the floor.
They dragged him, the screaming Lauren/Ken to solitary confinement.

Back at Lauren's in Santa Rosa, Ken was still talking to Jack on the phone.

KEN: 'How can I thank you?'

JACK: 'Seeing Lauren get the time she deserves is more than enough. 

              I'm just sorry that people will think you're crazy if Lauren,
              in your body, starts saying she not you, she's Lauren.

              'You better get in touch with people you know and explain what's  

              happened. I'll back you up'.

KEN:  'But then they'll think I'm mad.
             We're mad. Anyway, what am I going to do.
             I've got no money, nowhere to go and what am I going to wear?'

He looked down, realizing he was only wearing the remains of Lauren's destroyed shoes, her panties, which were very tight, and bra, stretched to near breaking point over his large back.

KEN: 'Oh my God!'
JACK: 'What's the matter?'

KEN: 'I'm wearing her bra and panties'
JACK (Tongue-In-Cheek): 'I'm sure you look lovely'
Ken looked down and noticed the changes were not complete.

KEN: 'Hey, this changeover thing has made my dick smaller than it was. 

            It's big but it's not what mine was.  I know I shouldn't complain. 
           I'm me, well her, sort of, but at least I'm free. My ass feels different too'.

As he said that his ass got slightly beefier and his dick grew longer and thicker, making it visible through the tightened material. The strain was too much for the material and the cock burst through the front and they tore down the sides, making the panties slide off and fall down to the floor.

He shuddered as his shoulders got broader and the pecs developed slightly more.
Lauren's bra, ragged and stretched terribly, ripped off completely as the hook in the back snapped.His forearms got more vascular and developed too, bursting the strap of Lauren wristwatch, making it fall to the floor and roll under the coffee table.
Ken stood there naked, clutching the phone.

JACK: 'Is that better. Have I got it right, now?
KEN:'I'm now literally not wearing anything'   

JACK: 'If you look in Lauren's purse you will find you have a new identity'.

Ken went over to where, when he was Lauren, he had dropped the purse. He picked it up and opened it. Her driving licence was changing before his eyes.
The name changed to Le'roy Johnson. The details changed to his details,

as did Lauren's photo.
The property deeds to the house also changed to Le'Roy Johnson.

JACK: 'Whatever was hers is yours'.     

             'Everyone will remember you buying the place from Lauren. 
             Oh,  there  are some clothes for you but they're in the car on the drive'.

KEN: (Sarcastically): 'Oh Great!' 

           'You mean I have to go out there with nothing on to get them?'.

JACK: (Jokingly): 'I'm not a magician you know!'

Ken:'You could have fooled me'

Ken nervously made his way to the door and sprinted to the car.
He quickly looked around.
'Good no one around', he thought.
What he didn't know this but he had been seen by a neighbour. It was the nicest thing the old dear had seen since losing her husband.

Ken grabbed the jeans in one hand, and the other bags in the other hand and darted back to the house, his massive dick slapping his thigh the whole time.
He quickly ran inside spilling the contents of the bag over the floor.He quickly started pulling on the boxers and jeans and getting the t-shirt over his head. Pulling the boxers and jeans on quickly had caught his massive dick, causing him to get turned on by it. He was so horny, probably an aftereffect of the transfer, hormones flying round his system, he thought.

As time progressed Ken got used to these neighbours speaking to him as if they already knew him but it felt strange they thought that because of the magic spell.

They liked this smart young executive, as the spell had made him.
He felt uncomfortable being in what had been Lauren's house and sold up and moved to Rio De Janeiro to have the time (Party-Time) of his life. 

Lauren (in Ken's form) was getting the punishment she deserved. After being placed in solitary confinement, she (in Ken's form) had been declared mentally ill and moved to a mental hospital, because she kept trying to tell them she was Lauren, not Ken. They thought he (Ken) was having a psychotic episode where he thought he was his victim. 
He had been sent to jail for rape.
Little did they know that for once in her life, Lauren/Ken, was telling the truth.
When they did attempt to check out her claims they found that there was no Courtney Harrison in Santa Rosa, she had sold to a Le'Roy Johnson, who had moved to Brazil. Lauren, as Ken, pleaded that this must be the real Ken.
Lauren was in a secure unit and heavily medicated for her/his psychosis. 
Little did any of the doctors know that the medication they were giving was to someone who although sounded insane, was telling the truth. 

A combination of the trauma of the transformation and the lack of working out in the secure unit caused Ken's body (Lauren) to age prematurely and gain a huge amount of weight in a very short time.
Lauren/Ken now looked 40 and about 350 pounds.

Eventually Lauren stopped trying to convince people that she really was Lauren and settled down to her life in jail. She even began to be repentant for all the things she had done to people over the years.
Luckily the real Ken's friends and family had been told by him and Jack the true story and stopped visiting the 'fake' Ken. They all knew he was living a new life in Brazil.
Doctor's assumed it was because of the shock of seeing their loved one in such a state that he Lauren/Ken, stopped having visitors, not because they weren't going to visit a 'fake' Ken even if it looked like him. 

Ken enjoyed living in Rio and had been experimenting with his sexuality after becoming confused with his sexuality when he briefly turned into a woman (Lauren) before his magical transference out and into her body which had been turned into his.
He had had several one-night stands and a few longer lasting partners whilst in Rio, with people of both sexes, but nothing lasted more than a few months. He was confused if he was straight or gay.   
He was on the world-famous beach one day when he spotted a devilishly handsome black Adonis, who was even more beautiful than him, which was near impossible, stretching and working out in tight speedos and a baseball cap.

The stranger looked up and said: 
'Hello Le'Roy. Or should I call you Ken?'   
Ken was stunned. 'How did you..?' 
The stranger looked up with a gleam in his eye.
'You don't recognize me do you?. I'm not surprised Sweety?'.
'Last time you saw me I was a 55year old 350pound white hairy old bear. Now look at me! I'm 23 and a black stud'

Ken was shocked 'Kevin???'

'Yeah. Your friend Jack came to jail and he explained what happened in the cell. Now I know it wasn't you hitting me.
It was that bitch Lauren you told me about. 

No wonder you wanted to get her'.

'That Jack guy said I didn't deserve what she did to me. Somehow he knew how much I love you and well he did something to me like he did to you and now......well I look like this. I guess you know that I've loved you since the first minute I saw you?'

Ken, emotional and pleased to see Kevin, however he looked, said 'Yes I did know, all honesty..... I think I love you'.

They slowly moved closer to each other and hugged and tenderly kissed each other on the cheek and walked away, holding hands.

They were watched by a blond hunk who was laying on sun lounger, who saw their embrace and smiled with a satisfied look. Ken and Kevin did not notice him but it would not have mattered anyway as they wouldn't have recognized him anyway but this was their guardian angel, Jack, who had decided that he needed to escape for a new life.

He was pleased he helped Ken get his freedom and find his true love with Kevin. But now he was here and was going to have fun. After two years since his court-case with Lauren, his wife had decided that however much they had tried to make the marriage work, she had decided she couldn't live with him anymore. Lauren had set doubt into her mind and the marriage couldn't survive it. Jack's wife had divorced him  and had taken the kids.

Now he was on his own he was going to party in this new body 'like it was 1999'.