
Monday 16 July 2018


Vengeful Girlfriend: Part 3: 'Call 911!'

**Important Note**

This is a fantasy transformation post and not meant to imply violence/rape/unsafe sex toward anyone. One should only partake in consensual sexual acts. 

The majority of the images/storyline here should be considered:
All images on this page to my knowledge are of people over 18. 

If you own the rights to an image and wish for it to be removed, please let me know and I will remove the image.

 Vengeful Girlfriend: Part3 'CALL 911!'

Lauren slowly and with some struggle, managed to slide his jeans up his legs and up to his hips, whilst he was still lying on the bed.

She managed to pull on his arms to get the drowsy barely-conscious Ken to sit forward and got his shirt on, despite the trouble of getting his arms through the sleeves. When that was finished, she stood up and tore her satin blouse across her ample breasts and ripped open her skirt.
Then she stood and took a deep breath, as if to say

'Well, here goes'

She screamed a terrified scream like you had never heard. 

Neighbours who were not even friendly with her took notice and started coming out of their houses and approaching Ken and Lauren's house.

'Somebody call 911!!' Somebody shouted.

Inside, Lauren was still screaming.

This stirred the drugged Ken, who, when almost off the bed and wondering why Lauren was screaming, and why he is dressed, with his enormous dick hanging out the flies of his jeans, got hit in the head with an alarm clock and knocked to the floor.

Lauren ran and grabbed a bottle of whisky and poured it down Ken's throat.

She carried on screaming and then head butted the door handle and gave herself a black eye.
All of a sudden there were flashing lights outside, raised voices. The Police were hammering on the front door.

'Mam?!', Mammm?!!!'

Lauren ran to the front door.

She was still screaming and just before she opened the door she put on on a frightened , terrified expression. 

She threw the door open.
There were 4 Police Officers standing on the doorstep, with their weapons drawn. 

Lauren went into what would be an Oscar-winning performance in another situation, screaming 'He raped me! He raped me!' , all the time inside hoping her performance would cause the desired effect. 

She blurted out the story of Ken being drunk and attacking her. She told them how she had fought him and scratched him.
One of the officers said: 'Don't worry Mam, we'll catch him'.
Lauren, crying hysterically and stammer-sobbing, said: 'He's...He's..still in the house. I hit him with the alarm clock'.
The Officer and his partner shot each other a surprised look, now knowing the perp. was still in the house. They brought their weapons up to a position for rapid action and enter the house.

They entered, weapons drawn, combing every room until they found a concussed Ken getting up off the bedroom floor.
The cops moved in:
'Get down on the ground, Now!'
'Keep your hands where I can see them!'
As a poor confused Ken was read his rights and led away in handcuffs, Lauren was being examined in the back of an ambulance. She was keeping up the pretense. Inside, she was delighted with her work.

She was getting ready for the next stage of her plan. The seeds of doubt were now set against Ken and she had created enough forensic evidence to back her claims.


Vengeful Girlfriend: Part 2: Plan In Action

**Important note**


This is a fantasy transformation post and not meant to imply violence/rape/unsafe sex toward anyone. One should only partake in consensual sexual acts. 

The majority of the images/storyline here should be considered:
All images on this page to my knowledge are of people over 18. 

If you own the rights to an image and wish for it to be removed, please let me know and I will remove the image.

 Vengeful Girlfriend: Part 2: Plan In Action 

Lauren was a woman scorned. She had a plan. As Ken had a shower before bed, Lauren had slipped a date-rape drug in his drink, which he had left on the nightstand. It would react and keep him doped for as long as she needed him for the plan, but would quickly wear off and be untraceable.

As he left the bathroom, wearing only his tight white Calvin Kleins boxers, which were rather revealing.

He walked towards the bed and picked up the drink from the nightstand.
Lauren was still standing, dressed, with her back to him, looking out the window.  Lauren looked over and watched, with secret glee, as Ken unknowingly drunk the drugged drink.

He drank the drink and started to feel dizzy.

He collapsed, face down, on the bed, his fantastic butt sticking up in the air like Mount St. Helens. The drink dropped to the floor, spilling over the wood.

Lauren, not concerned by what she she had just done to Ken, said out-loud but to herself 'Bastard, he's ruined my floor' and went to clean it up, kicking Ken's legs, which were hanging off the bed, as she moved to his side of the bed to clean the spill.

As she scrubbed the floor she looked up and over at poor Ken, lying unconscious on the bed.

'Oh I'm going to make you pay! No one leaves me!' She said, half mad and half-aroused at the sight of Ken lying on the bed, almost naked.

She looked at his fine ass, which is what had attracted Lauren's attention when they first met.
She had first seen it when he was bending over at the car wash, valeting a car.  

When he turned round she had looked straight into his beautiful, almost hypnotic almond eyes. She thought he had such a fine muscular chest, and arms too, which showed through from under his skin-tight white T-Shirt.

They had got talking and started dating. They had quickly moved in together after Ken's boss, who owned the car wash and Ken's apartment, who had been causing Ken trouble, had a mysterious fiery accident, which had killed him. More of Lauren's handiwork, although no one knew that. It had forced Ken into moving in with her.

After they had got together Lauren had discovered that in one way Ken was a black stereotype. When she had asked him how errrm...big he was, he had cut her off mid-sentence with half-joking 'I have to coil it up like a garden hose'. 

Little did she know how right this was.

When they moved in together she discovered what he meant.

When he was getting undressed the first night after he moved in, he peeled off his black boxers to reveal the hidden 'monster'. She was delighted and shocked by what she saw. He was telling the truth. The 23-year old was certainly blessed.

A 15-inch member flopped out of his boxers, with enormous balls too. When he pleasured her she was 'the happiest woman alive'.

End of Flashback  

But now, in the present, things could not be anymore different to then.  

Poor Ken, was out cold on the bed and Lauren started her plan for revenge.

She turned Ken's 6ft3in limp body over, which was quite a job  for small 5ft6in Lauren. She accidentally squeezed his bubble butt as she struggled to turn him over, then thought 'I don't care what I do' and groped him further, rubbing his athletic thighs and rubbing her index finger up the groove of his abs. Then she came to her senses, shook her head and got back to the plan.

She got her nail scissors and raggedly cut off some of the fingernails, leaving them looking ugly and looking like they had been ripped off.

Making some cuts to Ken's face and shoulder, she placed the cut off nails in the wounds, making it look like she had broken them trying to fight him off.

She then reached down and lifted her dress. She took Ken's hand and held his limp fingers, straight out, taut. Using his fingers to scratch inside her thighs until there was blood flowing, Lauren was getting excited by her own plan.

In pain but satisfied with her work she moved on to the next stage of her plan. She grabbed his enormous bulge through the boxers and began massaging his penis. When there was some inflation (as if it wasn't big enough already), she whipped it out of his boxers, which made the drugged Ken begin to stir, and stuck it in her and started riding the barely conscious Ken like there was no tomorrow, despite the agonizing pain of the cuts she had inflicted on her own thighs.

When he came, the drugged Ken had now given Lauren the forensic evidence needed to accuse him in the next stage of her plan.  


(Next Time... the police arrive...will they believe Ken is innocent or has Lauren got him just where she wanted him?)



Vengeful Girlfriend: Chapter One

**Important Note**


This is a fantasy transformation post and not meant to imply violence/rape/unsafe sex toward anyone. One should only partake in consensual sexual acts. 

The majority of the images/storyline here should be considered:
All images on this page to my knowledge are of people over 18. 

If you own the rights to an image and wish for it to be removed, please let me know and I will remove the image.


The following story begins in Sacramento, California.

Lauren was a jealous woman. Controlling, domineering, manipulative. She was also, petite, blond and very pretty, which meant she could charm her way out of trouble, or use her charms for creating trouble.

She had been in a relationship with Ken for three years, and boy did he know it!
Ken was a stunningly handsome black beauty. Very muscular and athletic but not  pumped up to ridiculous, MR UNIVERSE proportions.
Although he dressed rather like the stereotypical gangster rapper like 50 Cent, for example, with the sagging sweatpants and top, chains and football shirt, he could not be further from this type if he tried. 

In fact, it made some people who met him for the first time rather confused, as the voice did not go with the face. It was a rather refined voice, not 'Street', as they would have imagined.

He helped his neighbours, mowed his elderly neighbour's lawns and was loved by the community, especially by the housewives when he took his shirt off when he was mowing. 

The opposite was true of Lauren, they knew what she was like and did not trust her. Once, she had reversed into a car in the supermarket parking lot and left without stopping. 

When police came to her house and accused her of leaving the scene of an accident that she had caused, she managed to persuade them, because of her charms, that she only drove off because the drive of the other car, the one that she hit had tried to molest her and she had fled in panic. Complete lies but she convinced the  Police to investigate. They did investigate but could not find any evidence against the other driver, Jack, so the case was dropped, as was the driving charge against Lauren.
Lauren caused trouble for people but did not care. 

The case she brought against Jack, despite him actually being innocent, and being cleared by the Police, tarnished his reputation.
He was 54 and worked in the textile business, manufacturing  high-end, specialist ladies underwear.
Due to the rumours and stigma from the case, a lot of workforce, female, decided to leave. Orders to the factory dropped by 50% due to his tarnished reputation and he had to cut his workforce by a further 60%. The business got so bad he had to relocate to Denver and try and rebuild his life, business and the trust of his family. He resented Lauren and swore he would get her behind bars for what she had done. She would be put behind bars, one day! He swore to it.

Lauren not only ruined Jack's life but destroyed an ex-girlfriend of Ken's, too, who had tried getting back in touch with him.
She had sent the ex-girlfriend, Amanda, a skin-cream, with a forged introductory letter, pretending it was a free sample, to product test.
What Amanda did not know was, because she had not met Lauren, was that Lauren worked for a pharmaceutical laboratory. Lauren had added a corrosive to the sample.
When Amanda first tried the skin cream everything seemed fine but as time went on her skin began burning like no pain she had ever felt before.
Later, Amanda had been found. 80% of her skin burnt off and unrecognizable. 

No one would ever recognize her as Miss California again.
Yet again, Lauren had gotten away with it, as she had not left any forensic evidence and could not be traced.

These were only two of the things she had gotten away it, but it was enough for Ken. He didn't know Lauren was responsible for what happened to Amanda but he was certain she had done it.

This was the last straw! He decided to leave. He told Lauren, a moment he was dreading.
To his surprise, she was calm about it and gently said
'OK Honey. If that's what you want, fine. 
But do you want to sleep on it and we'll talk about it tomorrow?'

Ken was taken aback by how calm she was. He thought she would have put up a fuss, or thrown something at him but she was calm, too calm. Although he didn't realize that at the time.

Ken was still surprised by how she had taken it when he foolishly said
'OK Baby. I'll stay for now. But I've had enough!'
This was where he sealed his fate
He should have secretly emigrated, faked his death or anything but leave Lauren. She was a woman scorned and going by her past, her vengeance, would have no limit.
She was already forming a plan by the time Ken had said he would stay until the next day.
She was going to make him suffer like nothing he'd ever experienced before.
She was going to make him pay!