
Monday, 16 July 2018


Vengeful Girlfriend: Chapter One

**Important Note**


This is a fantasy transformation post and not meant to imply violence/rape/unsafe sex toward anyone. One should only partake in consensual sexual acts. 

The majority of the images/storyline here should be considered:
All images on this page to my knowledge are of people over 18. 

If you own the rights to an image and wish for it to be removed, please let me know and I will remove the image.


The following story begins in Sacramento, California.

Lauren was a jealous woman. Controlling, domineering, manipulative. She was also, petite, blond and very pretty, which meant she could charm her way out of trouble, or use her charms for creating trouble.

She had been in a relationship with Ken for three years, and boy did he know it!
Ken was a stunningly handsome black beauty. Very muscular and athletic but not  pumped up to ridiculous, MR UNIVERSE proportions.
Although he dressed rather like the stereotypical gangster rapper like 50 Cent, for example, with the sagging sweatpants and top, chains and football shirt, he could not be further from this type if he tried. 

In fact, it made some people who met him for the first time rather confused, as the voice did not go with the face. It was a rather refined voice, not 'Street', as they would have imagined.

He helped his neighbours, mowed his elderly neighbour's lawns and was loved by the community, especially by the housewives when he took his shirt off when he was mowing. 

The opposite was true of Lauren, they knew what she was like and did not trust her. Once, she had reversed into a car in the supermarket parking lot and left without stopping. 

When police came to her house and accused her of leaving the scene of an accident that she had caused, she managed to persuade them, because of her charms, that she only drove off because the drive of the other car, the one that she hit had tried to molest her and she had fled in panic. Complete lies but she convinced the  Police to investigate. They did investigate but could not find any evidence against the other driver, Jack, so the case was dropped, as was the driving charge against Lauren.
Lauren caused trouble for people but did not care. 

The case she brought against Jack, despite him actually being innocent, and being cleared by the Police, tarnished his reputation.
He was 54 and worked in the textile business, manufacturing  high-end, specialist ladies underwear.
Due to the rumours and stigma from the case, a lot of workforce, female, decided to leave. Orders to the factory dropped by 50% due to his tarnished reputation and he had to cut his workforce by a further 60%. The business got so bad he had to relocate to Denver and try and rebuild his life, business and the trust of his family. He resented Lauren and swore he would get her behind bars for what she had done. She would be put behind bars, one day! He swore to it.

Lauren not only ruined Jack's life but destroyed an ex-girlfriend of Ken's, too, who had tried getting back in touch with him.
She had sent the ex-girlfriend, Amanda, a skin-cream, with a forged introductory letter, pretending it was a free sample, to product test.
What Amanda did not know was, because she had not met Lauren, was that Lauren worked for a pharmaceutical laboratory. Lauren had added a corrosive to the sample.
When Amanda first tried the skin cream everything seemed fine but as time went on her skin began burning like no pain she had ever felt before.
Later, Amanda had been found. 80% of her skin burnt off and unrecognizable. 

No one would ever recognize her as Miss California again.
Yet again, Lauren had gotten away with it, as she had not left any forensic evidence and could not be traced.

These were only two of the things she had gotten away it, but it was enough for Ken. He didn't know Lauren was responsible for what happened to Amanda but he was certain she had done it.

This was the last straw! He decided to leave. He told Lauren, a moment he was dreading.
To his surprise, she was calm about it and gently said
'OK Honey. If that's what you want, fine. 
But do you want to sleep on it and we'll talk about it tomorrow?'

Ken was taken aback by how calm she was. He thought she would have put up a fuss, or thrown something at him but she was calm, too calm. Although he didn't realize that at the time.

Ken was still surprised by how she had taken it when he foolishly said
'OK Baby. I'll stay for now. But I've had enough!'
This was where he sealed his fate
He should have secretly emigrated, faked his death or anything but leave Lauren. She was a woman scorned and going by her past, her vengeance, would have no limit.
She was already forming a plan by the time Ken had said he would stay until the next day.
She was going to make him suffer like nothing he'd ever experienced before.
She was going to make him pay!


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