
Saturday, 5 December 2020


 Sorry for not posting. My health has been terribly poor for months now and I don't have the energy to even write at the moment. I am hoping to get some new material out by the ned of the year but not as much as promised on the story updates frontpage.

Sunday, 1 November 2020


 Hi everybody. Just a quick message to apologize for no updates. 

Anyway, with the U.K going into lockdown again in a few days and my hospital appointments now held back until next year, I should have some time to write, so hopefully there should be some more stories, new ones, on here, as well as the final handful of chapters of NAUGHTY BOYFRIEND.

Sunday, 23 August 2020

Monday, 13 July 2020


Hello. Sorry for not keeping everyone up to date  My health has taken  a turn for the worse and I will probably have to go into hospital again, so I'm just letting you know that the "COMING SOON" stories have been delayed. i will try and get new material out his month, if I can.

Friday, 19 June 2020

Hello sorry I've  been delayed. had computer trouble, plus have a mountian of things happening, including trying to set up a new business. will hopefully get some stuff on here next week!

Tuesday, 2 June 2020


Hello Guy and Girls. sorry For not posting anything new. World events have got  in way, shall we say, and I not well again and I would rather get better and do a good job at the stories, rather than not being at my best and try rushing them out when I don't feel great, doing a half-arsed job just trying to get them out.

Sunday, 26 April 2020

UPDATE: 25th April 2020

Hello again, faithful readers (or newcomers).
As well as the upcoming stories and chapters of other stories previously mentioned in the story updates section there is also more good news.

There is going to be another new story too.
At the moment it is going to called "One Direction, No Direction", although that could change.
Yes, you guess right1 It is a story about One Direction.

Sunday, 12 April 2020

UPDATE 11th April 2020

Yes, Yes, I know I'm late with the last chapters of Naughty Boyfriend and the Becoming Ben Cohen story. Yes, they are coming soon.

Plus, a few not mentioned on the COMING SOON story noticeboard. 

Stay strong in these shocking times

Tuesday, 17 March 2020

Hello there. Just to let you know that due to things in my personal life, I have been unable to write new material for a while, which has put the schedule for the writing and posting of stories on here set back by about a month but am hoping to be able to catch up and have some of them on here by early April.


Saturday, 8 February 2020

Hello there. Long time, no writing. 
Yes. I am still active on the blog. 
I'm afraid long-term illness has stopped me writing for a while and other things In  my life have taken over but I seriously do want to keep the blog going.
I've added a new header to the blog.
I hope you like it.